Thursday, August 28, 2008

Am I going to do away with chart paper for mini-lessons?

Excerpt from a conversation with a tech-savvy 1st grade teacher:

Me: I'm just not sure how I'm going to have a meeting area in my classroom. I was going to try to make a short easel this weekend to have a proper meeting space where the kids can get out of their desks, but with the new big desks and the size of my room I just don't know how that will work. I might just continue taping the chart paper at the front of the room ...

Tech-savvy 1st grade teacher: Or just use the smartboard ... (walks away)

Me: :O

Huh. Do I continue the revolution to include doing away with charts? I could easily use smart notebook for mini lessons. And post the notebook files on my webpage or just email them to the kids to keep in a "Writing Handbook" folder.

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